If you need your Steam ID for some reason and you’re not able to find it, then this article is just made for you. 

How to Find Your Steam ID?

Your Steam ID is a unique ID that is given to you when you create an account on Steam. It is used when you want to link your Steam account to other third-party apps or websites for various purposes.  Finding your Steam ID isn’t a difficult task, but it can be quite time-consuming when you don’t know where to look at.  There are various methods you can use to find your Steam ID. And you can use both mobile or desktop app to view your Steam ID. The methods below will guide you to find your ID in no time. 

Through the Account Details Option (Steam Desktop Client App)

This is the easiest and quickest way to view one’s Steam ID. To find your Steam ID using this method: 

Through Edit Profile Option (Steam Desktop Client App)

You can also view your Steam ID by visiting your profile page. To use this method of finding the Steam ID, follow these steps: 

By Using the Account Details Option (Steam Mobile App)

The process is similar on mobile devices. However, the steps might be a little bit different than the desktop app. To use this method:

By Using the Edit Profile Option (Steam Mobile App)

Just like in desktop app, you can also find your Steam ID through your profile page. You can easily find your Steam ID by following these steps: 

Can Other Users See Your Steam ID?

No, your Steam ID will be private to you, and only you will be able to see your ID. However, Valve employees will also be able to see your Steam ID if they need something. 

Can You Change Your Steam ID?

No, you can’t. Steam ID is a unique number that is used by Steam to identify each user. So if you end up changing it, there might be a chance that there will be multiple users with the same ID. So, to prevent that situation, Steam doesn’t allow users to change their Steam ID.

Is Your Account Name and Steam ID the Same Thing?

Although they both are unique for each user, account name and Steam ID are two completely different things. Your account name is like a username that you use to log in to your Steam account. And Steam ID is a unique ID that is automatically assigned to you when you create your account.  Steam ID is generally used when you want to connect your Steam account to third-party websites to view information about your profile.

Can You Use Your Profile Name instead of Account Name to Log In to Steam?

Unfortunately not. You’ll always have to use your account name when you want to log in to Steam. It is because, unlike profile names, an account name is a unique set of characters that are linked to your account forever, and is used to identify you by Steam.

Can You Change Your Account Name?

Once you have created your account, you cannot change or modify it in any way. However, you can change your profile name as many times as you like. This is a good thing because your profile name is the one that is shown when you’re playing games. You only use your account name when you’re logging in.

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