Using a second, perhaps bigger monitor to play games can give a new life to your gaming experience. If you’re confused about how to move a game to another monitor, you have come to the right place.  We have described all the ways you can take your game to the next monitor below.

Moving Your Game to a Second Monitor

There are several methods to move your game to a different monitor. You can go to projector mode, extend your display, or even duplicate the main monitor. Let’s look at more details below.

Duplicate Your Displays

Duplicating the monitors to show the same information is an easy process, and you do not have to worry about changing any additional settings in your game.

Keep Only Your Second Display Active

Making your second monitor the only one that runs can be helpful when you do not want your main monitor or the laptop screen running. It is helpful to identify which number is assigned to your second monitor. You can select a monitor and hit the Identify button to determine which one is the second monitor. 

Extending Your Displays

Extending your displays means joining both the screens into one single display, giving you the ultrawide effect. However, the game does not extend to both screens or, for that matter, directly run on the second monitor. You will have to drag the game to the next screen or change the in-game settings.

Use In-Game Settings

Most of the newer games have the ability to detect different monitors. If your game reads your monitor as well, you can head over to the Display settings in the game. Then, find the option that lets you choose the display. You can select a different monitor than the default and save your changes. However, it is best to remember that the option to change your monitor might differ from one game to another. Hence, you may have to look around the display settings to find what you are looking for.

Drag the Game Window

Dragging your game to a different monitor might be the easiest way to bring up your game on the other monitor while your second monitor is set up as an extension. If your game is on fullscreen mode, you can change it to windowed mode through the in-game settings and drag the game.  You can change the game back to fullscreen after dragging the game to the monitor you prefer. If the game displays on the windowed mode by default, then you can directly drag the game to another monitor and do not need to change any game settings. Hopefully, you can now move a game to another monitor easily. Happy gaming!

How To Move A Game To Another Monitor - 33How To Move A Game To Another Monitor - 24How To Move A Game To Another Monitor - 28How To Move A Game To Another Monitor - 61How To Move A Game To Another Monitor - 23